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Is your bank requesting an audit? We can help with that. Align CPAs specializes in conducting audits and other assurance services for small businesses and not-for-profit organizations. Our CPAs have decades of combined experience auditing a variety of situations, including retirement plans and internal operations audits.

Read below to learn more about our assurance services!

Making a Better Audit Experience  
We know audits aren’t something you look forward to. You’re busy enough as it is—an audit just piles more work onto your plate.

That’s where we come in. Align CPAs can guide you every step of the way and make the process feel bearable without causing too much interruption of your normal duties.

Auditing is what we do. For years, our CPAs have been trusted auditing experts for organizations   in numerous industries.

Below are all the types of assurance services we can conduct for your business.

Financial Statement Audits
Align CPAs is the unbiased third party you need to complete required financial statement  audits. Our CPAs have spent many years performing these audits and know how to make the most of their (and your) time by identifying the areas of risk and focusing our attention in those areas.
And we use seasoned staff to do the work – you don’t have to “train the auditor” when Align performs the audit.

Retirement Plan Audits
Does your company offer a 401(k) or other retirement plan? If large enough, an audit of your employer-sponsored retirement plan may be required by law. We understand this often causes stress and anxiety and regulations are complex and difficult to follow. Luckily, the trusted auditors at Align CPAs have completed many retirement plan audits.

Internal Audits
Even if your organization is not required to have an attest service performed, many stakeholders find value in having the professionals at Align evaluate and provide assurance that the internal controls, corporate governance, and accounting processes are operating effectively. They will provide an introspective look into your organization’s inter-workings and analyze what can be done better. They provide accountability and ensure compliance with established policies.   They might also lead to better practices for the organization.

Reviews and Agreed-upon Procedures
Although less in scope than an audit, these services are also less costly and can be used to provide a lesser degree of assurance when the situation dictates. They can also pinpoint a problem area without the all-encompassing approach required in a traditional audit. 

Our Commitment to Integrity
You want your auditor to have the highest levels of integrity and that is what we provide. If you want it done right and have an experience that is better for you and your staff, look no future than Align CPAs.


"I can’t say enough good things about this place. It’s a true neighborhood gem. Great prices, great selection and great service. What more can you ask for? I’ll definitely be using them again."
— Chris P.


Ready to get started? Call or click below to get in touch with one of our CPAs. They’ll be happy to answer your questions and walk you through the auditing process. We look forward to partnering with you!